Installing QEMU with Accelerator Module on Fedora Core 4
Once again, this is a doc I found on the internet. You can see the original page at <a href="">this link</a>.
The following are step-by-step instructions for installing QEMU with the Accelerator Module (kqemu) on Fedora Core 4. I also provide instructions for installing a Windows XP Professional guest system for use with QEMU.
1. Download and extract QEMU.
tar zxvf qemu-0.7.0.tar.gz
2. Download and extract the Accelerator Module in the QEMU directory.
cd qemu-0.7.0
tar zxvf kqemu-0.6.2-1.tar.gz
3. Configure QEMU to build with Accelerator Module support using gcc 3.2.3. QEMU 0.7.0 does not compile with Fedora Core 4's gcc 4.0.0. If you do not have gcc32, install it with the yum -y install compat-gcc-32 as root.
In this example, I will install QEMU in /usr/local/qemu instead of its default location.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/qemu --cc=gcc32
If you see:
SDL support no
SDL static link no
you must install SDL-devel and its dependencies with the yum -y install SDL-devel command as root.
4. Build QEMU.
5. Install QEMU.
make install (as root)
Installing a Windows XP Professional guest system
In this example, I have a bootable Windows XP Professional CD in /dev/cdrom, the logical path for my CD-ROM drive.
1. Create a disk image for the guest system. I'll create a 10 GB disk image named hd.img in my home directory for the guest system.
/usr/local/qemu/bin/qemu-img create hd.img 10G
2. Install the guest system from the bootable Windows XP Professional CD.
/usr/local/qemu/bin/qemu -boot d -hda ~/hd.img -localtime
3. After the system is installed, turn off the guest system, and boot the guest system from the disk image. I use the -user-net parameter to enable userspace networking.
/usr/local/qemu/bin/qemu -boot c -hda ~/hd.img -localtime -user-net
4. Creating a SAMBA user :
smbpasswd -a jboismar